Category Archives: Generation 3

3.8 Four funerals and a wedding

Screenshot-998Amanda Kyoti woke with a feeling that this would be her lucky day.  After a long and difficult career, she knew she was going to edge that promotion level 9 of her career today, bringing her that bit closer to her dream of being a Creature-Robot Cross-Breeder.  She could feel it ‘in her water’.

Screenshot-1007Elias Kyoti was feeling pretty good, too.  Here he was, at 119 years old, and he had the privilege of helping to raise a third generation of children.  With his help, SatelliteJuno was soon chattering away.

Screenshot-950Christopher Kyoti was also feeling pretty good.  He’d finally gotten to the top of his career, achieving his lifetime wish to be a hit movie composer.  He decided now was the time to retire, and to move on.  His cousins Amanda and Carmel tried to persuade him to stay at home, but he pointed out that with Carmel and Daniela both approaching their elder birthdays, the house would soon be overrun by pensioners.  He’d always known the Kyoti home as a place for children to grow.  He didn’t think it should be full of so many old-timers.  Besides, he wasn’t going to be far away…

Screenshot-952…his movie earnings had allowed him to buy the big house across the road.

Screenshot-1010Things might have been going well for the second and third generation of the Kyoti family, but the fourth generation were struggling.  Daniela had become tired of Joseph sneaking around and coming in late at night.  She accused him of having an affair.  After all, he seemed to only have female friends.  Joseph had to come clean.  He told her of his job in the criminal career track.  He explained he hadn’t wanted to do it, hadn’t meant to, but it had flexible hours that allowed him to build up his skills and spend time with his daughters.  It paid well, and what’s more, he was beginning to get good at it.  OK, so he’d had a few nights in the cells.  He wasn’t proud of that fact.  But he was using his logic and athletic skills to the max.  He wasn’t a bad person, he just wanted to do the best for his family.  Daniela wasn’t impressed.  She told him he was insane.  She knew that would cut him to the core: he was so afraid of showing his weakness, and he hated it being pointed out.  He begged her not to tell the rest of the family – they’d be so ashamed.

Daniela reluctantly agreed, but when she was teaching SkyBlueGinger to talk, she advised her daughter to make sure she knew absolutely everything about the person she wanted to marry before making a commitment.

Screenshot-1066Joseph was angry and hurt by his wife refusing to support his career.  Didn’t she understand how hard it was for someone with his ‘weakness’ to  make a living?  Didn’t she want her daughters to grow up well?  Didn’t she want him to achieve his lifetime ambition?  And anyway, hadn’t she been a bit dishonest with him by not admitting how old she really was?  He loved Daniela, he loved her more than he could imagine.  He didn’t want to be like his late grandparents: Amanda told him about how they divorced when she and her sisters were still young.  Joseph had no intention of divorcing Daniela and he hoped she had no intention of divorcing him, but why did things have to be so hard?

Screenshot-1013Carmella Kyoti aged into an elder and immediately dyed her hair back.  She wasn’t having any of this growing old gracefully lark.  She talked to her sister Amanda about whether it was time for her to move out – after all, she had no job and she’d fulfilled her lifetime ambition some time ago.  Maybe she should do what Christopher, Liam and Rhiannon had all done and strike out on her own?  Amanda begged her to stay – her income from gigs in the park, paintings and novel writing was good for the family, and besides, Carmel was the official family portrait painter – nobody else could even paint a stroke.  Amanda was also worried that someone as ‘special’ (i.e. insane) as her sister couldn’t cope on their own.  They agreed it was in everyone’s best interests for Carmel to stay in the house.

Meanwhile, the last surviving member of generation two, Elias, was brushing up on his charisma skill when death came for him.

Screenshot-1016At 119, the eldest Kyoti yet departed to make room for the younger generations and to be reunited with his soul-mate, Lola.

Screenshot-1039Elias’s passing left the rest of the family with some big challenges.  Here was a man who’d helped raise three generations, who’d had a long and happy marriage, who’d reached the top of his career, who’d developed many skills and who’d never once complained about it.  He wasn’t even a Kyoti by birth, but by marriage, and yet he was one of the biggest inspirations any of them had ever had.  Joseph looked at his wife.

Screenshot-1040Daniela was still angry with him, but she knew he was trying to do his best for the family.  And she loved him.  They agreed to stop fighting and instead do their best for each other and the girls.  For now Joseph would stay in his job, but he’d do his best not to harm anyone they cared for in the process.

Screenshot-1070Lucas Kyoti started to become obsessed with finding himself a wife.  He tried to chat up every woman that came over to play chess with him.  He was particularly keen on Joseph’s criminal cohort Clara Bunch, despite everyone warning him that the Bunches had ‘bad genes’ and he shouldn’t get involved.  Clara didn’t sem to be interested in Lucas, though.

Screenshot-1159Amanda, overcome by emotion after her uncle’s death, ran straight back into the arms of old flame (and Lucas’s dad), Dominic.  She didn’t want anything from him really, she just wanted to feel something, to touch someone, to know that in this frightening last stage of life, she could still find passion.

Screenshot-1170It was soon birthday time again for the Kyotis, and they braced themselves for Grimmy’s reappearance.  Daniela went first, grimacing as she reluctantly ventured into the world of elderhood.

Screenshot-1172SkyBlueGinger was next…

Screenshot-1178SatelliteJuno took her turn.  She wasn’t so keen on the whole birthday thing, being neurotic.  It felt like everyone was staring at her.

However, it wasn’t SatelliteJuno that her uncle Lucas was staring at…Screenshot-1182…Kiley Layton, the teenager he’d spotted at the last family gathering, had grown into a very attractive young lady.

Grimmy didn’t attend this party.  But he did send a telegram.  Rhiannon and Christopher had been taking a holiday in the Carribean and there’d been an accident.  Neither they or their gravestones would be returning to the Kyoti residence.


The loss of her twin and her cousin sent Amanda Kyoti into a frenzy of working and skill-building.  She was the third generation heir, she had a responsibility to get to the top of her career – and in a matter of days, she finally did.


The first thing she did when she got home was perform an experiment on the toilet.  Nothing seemed to happen, but it started to crackle with a yellow electric glow, and the rest of the family soon started referring to that room as ‘the guest bathroom’, preferring to argue over the other five facilities in the house than take their chances with it.

Screenshot-1216The family held a special dinner to celebrate Amanda’s promotion, and Lucas took the opportunity to ask Kiley to stay over… and to become his wife.  Kiley didn’t have a family of her own and she was a loner, so they held a private ceremony in the bathroom.

Whilst this was going on, Amanda went out to tend the garden.  Buoyed from her promotion, she was determined to max out her gardening skill, and she was only a couple of hours away from doing so.

As she weeded the bell peppers, she looked up.  She hadn’t been expecting this visitor yet, but it was her 98th birthday, so she must have known he was coming soon…


The Kyoti legacy had officially passed into its fourth generation.

3.7 I’ll be there for you

Screenshot-986It was the twins’ birthday.  The whole Kyoti family were invited, plus a few friends.  Sherita Kyoti turned up with her daughter, Nakia.  Nakia had grown into a clone of her mother, only a little more on the ‘generous’ side.  You could tell she was really into those hot dogs.Screenshot-987As Daniela brought SkyBlueGinger to the cake, she looked around.  Where was her husband?  He should be next to her, carrying SatelliteJuno.  He’d been out at the gym working, but he’d promised he’d be here for the girls.

Screenshot-996Amanda was worried, too.  What was her son doing?  She knew he had issues, but she thought he’d done well to keep those things under control.  He was the heir to a legacy, he had a wife and two little girls who needed him, and she needed to know the Kyoti family’s future was in safe hands.  Where was he?

SkyBlueGinger, the first ever blonde Kyoti, cried.

Screenshot-988SatelliteJuno was left to grow up by herself.  Perhaps that was why she was born neurotic?  Like her grandma and her dad, she had thick dark hair.

Screenshot-989Lucas Kyoti wasn’t particularly excited by the twins aging up.  Sure, he loved his nieces, but he had other things on his mind.  He’d been trying to find a girlfriend for ages.  He’d even taken to ringing up Cody and asking for sates every night, but she refused.  He did have his eye on a girl called Clara Bunch, but he’d heard that the Bunch family were not the best family to marry into.

However, across the room, he saw someone he’d never met before.

Screenshot-991The mysterious looking girl with the gorgeous skin and the blondest hair he’d ever seen… who was she?

He made his way over to her and discovered her name was Kiley Layton… and she was a teen, although she went to the private school, which was why he’d never met her before.  Still, she was a teen and he was only just a young adult… it wouldn’t hurt for him to get to know her, would it?

Suddenly, there was a crash as the door was flung wide open, shortly followed by Amanda and Daniela, in sync, shouting ‘where the hell have you been?’ and a man stuttering ‘I’m sorry, I, uh, had, uh…..’ and a slump as Joseph Kyoti, ‘fresh’ from a night in the cells, crashed out on the floor.


3.6 Go go go Joseph

Screenshot-960Daniela Kyoti couldn’t believe her luck.  She was new to Sunset Valley, having moved there on a whim.  She was approaching old age and had figured her child-bearing years were over, so she wanted a new start.  And yet here she was, newly married to a rich man with a pool!  OK, so he was a bit ‘quirky’, but he was sweet and attractive and encouraged her when she said she wanted to be known for having a golden tongue and golden fingers.  She didn’t think he even spotted the innuendo in that phrase.

She was having a swim one evening when she found herself experiencing a lot of pain.

Screenshot-962It was a girl!  Reluctantly, she’d agreed to call her daughter SkyBlueGinger.  It was a compromise.  She’d wanted ‘Sarah’, Joseph had wanted ‘Xyghfrtg’.  She was about to bring the baby inside when she felt another sharp stab of pain… and gave birth to a second daughter.

Screenshot-971Elias was bowled over that there were twin girls in the house for the third time.  He felt he was a bit of a twins expert now.  He was also so excited to be in a household that had four generations living in it.  He had spent the past few days longing for death to take him to be with Lola, but now he had something to give him a purpose again, raising SkyBlueGinger and her sister, SatelliteJuno.

Screenshot-957Joseph, however, was freaking out at the responsibilities of fatherhood.  He hadn’t even got a job yet, and the house was full of old people.  He couldn’t keep relying on their incomes.  He needed employment.  He scoured the job ads, looking for work that would fit in with the time he needed to build up his logic and athletics skills, and one that would preferably use them.

The one option that seemed to fit was in the criminal track.  But how could he tell his family that this was what he was doing?  Elias used to be a cop, and Amanda and Lucas were so good that they kept giving money to charity.  And how could he tell Daniela?  They’d just had two babies.

His first night on the job, Joseph was terrified.  He spent the whole day pacing up and down or going for a swim in his boots.  Eventually the time came and he told them he was going out to the gym to work as a trainer.  His mouth was dry, he hoped none of the family would go to the gym and catch him out.

The first night seemed to be going well…  until… ‘KYOTI!  YOU’RE NICKED SUNSHINE!’


3.5 Marry me, bury me

Screenshot-720Since losing his wife and childhood sweetheart, Elias Kyoti’s life felt devoid of meaning.  He’d risen to the top of his career, he’d raised several children.  He had nothing much left to live for.  He spent his days pottering about in his dressing-gown, occasionally pausing to play rugby with the cleaners.

Screenshot-904Elias wasn’t the only member of the Kyoti family with heavy concerns weighing him down.  Joseph Kyoti, eldest son of the current heir (and therefore the one destined to take on the heir’s mantle for the fourth generation), also had a lot to think about.  He’d decided his lifetime ambition was to have a healthy body and a healthy mind.  He hoped these two would temper his insane traits somewhat.  His little brother Lucas decided he wanted to be a chess grand master, and playing chess games together was helping both of them with their relationship as well as giving them a good chance of achieving their ambitions.  However, ambition wasn’t enough.  Joseph needed to think about how he would earn money and who he would marry.  He’d had no luck getting a date with childhood friend Cody Blank, and the town seemed to have a lack of eligible young women.

One day, he was playing chess in the park, when he spotted the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.  She was new to the area.  He knew he had to get to know her.

Screenshot-912He invited her over on a whim and discovered she was called Daniela.  It wasn’t long before they shared their first kiss.

Screenshot-915Nobody in the family had ever proposed (the last person to do so was his late Aunt Lola) so Joseph hadn’t been schooled in the etiquette of dating and marriage.  Therefore, he decided that it was appropriate to propose straight after his first kiss, in the midst of crying over his dead Aunt.  Unsurprisingly, Daniela said no.  Surprisingly, she did agree to stay the night.

Screenshot-920For the first time (well, it was the first day they’d met!), they made love.  Joseph couldn’t have been happier.

The next morning, he worked up the courage to propose again.

Screenshot-933This time, she agreed.  Perhaps she’d fallen for Joseph’s charms, or perhaps she’d just realised he lived in a pretty nice gaff.  Anyway, the date was set for that afternoon, just before sunset, and they planned to have a beach wedding.

They rang round people to invite them, and Elias went to visit Alli’s daughter Sherita to invite her in person and break the news of Lola’s death.

Screenshot-927He met Sherita’s daughter, Nakia.  She’d got the Kyoti hair, and had grown up with the traits of Loner, Kleptomaniac and Loser.  This was perhaps no surprise, considering she lived in a house with only one bed and one window that hadn’t been decorated since Alli first moved out.

Screenshot-939Carmel Kyoti became the first member of the family to achieve her lifetime wish (to become a Master of the Arts) before elderhood, and she was asked to play guitar at the ceremony.  Of course, every now and then she’d break out into a bit of freeform jazz-reggae-hip-hop, but such is the way of the insane.

Screenshot-943The ceremony was incredibly beautiful.  The couple looked gorgeous, they exchanged some very attractive rings and the whole congregation applauded.

When it came to signing the register, however, Joseph got a bit of a shock.  He, only a couple of days into his young adulthood, had married a woman who was very close to becoming an elder.  He loved Daniela, he thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, but he’d assumed she was his age.  Clearly the spa was offering more treatments than he’d realised.

Both Daniela and Joseph knew there was no time to delay in starting a family.

Screenshot-935And so a honeymoon baby was conceived…

3.4 Live and let die

Screenshot-697Things were going well for the Kyoti family.  Christopher, Elias and Amanda were all making good steady progress in their careers and maxing out yet more skills.  Carmel was painting, playing guitar and writing novels with every spare minute she had.  Joseph and Lucas were making good progress at school.  Lola was enjoying retirement and earning a nice income from painting and novel writing.  All of them were happy.

Screenshot-698The neighbourhood appeared to be flourishing, too.  Miranda, Alli’s old flame, was still going strong despite being an elder when Alli and Lola were young(ish) adults.Screenshot-703After many years of marriage, Elias and Lola were as in love as ever.  They would often spend long evenings chatting, dancing, making out and woo-hooing.  They just hoped Joseph and Lucas would find the kind of happiness they had, and both were a little sad that the third generation hadn’t managed to produce any happy marriages.

Screenshot-791Joseph started trying to find a girlfriend.  He wanted to hook someone who would help him carry on the legacy before his insanity became too apparent.  He could see the signs increasing in his aunt Carmel as she grew older, so he figured time wasn’t on his side.  He was keen to woo his childhood friend, Cody Blank.  She often came round to visit, as did Destiny Ursine.  Destiny wasn’t sure Joseph and Cody would make a great pairing, though, and she told him many times that she didn’t believe Cody was right for him.  Joseph couldn’t imagine any other girl being interested in him.  He knew Cody wasn’t perfect, but who else would love him?

Screenshot-792As the family prepared to celebrate Amanda and Lucas’s birthday, however, they received sad news.  At the age of 98, Alli had passed away.  Lola was afraid this would mean her time was coming.  It was a birthday, her twin had passed away, it must now be her time as well…

Screenshot-801Lucas aged up to look very similar to his dad, Dominic, and not much like Joseph.  He decided that he wanted to be a chess grandmaster and Amanda encouraged him to follow the dream.  She was secretly worried about her own dream, though.  Time was marching on, and she was still three promotions away from where she wanted to be.

Screenshot-803Over a game of chess, she discussed her worries with Christopher, who shared his own worries that his mum, Lola, might not make it through the night.

Screenshot-805Fortunately, the family’s fears were unfounded, and Lola continued to flourish and to write novels that made her a tidy profit.  Elias achieved his new lifetime wish to become a Superstar Athlete but decided not to retire – he found that the sport kept him feeling young, and now he and Lola were both over 100, keeping active was a priority.

Screenshot-819Lola accompanied Joshua on fishing trips and they talked a lot about the pressures of running a legacy.  She told him how her brother Kali had always helped her to feel important, that she never felt ‘spare’ to the family, and hoped Joseph would treat Lucas in the same way.  Joseph confessed that he was worried he would never find a girlfriend.  Lola assured him that he was a lovely young man and he would make a good husband and father one day, as long as he was careful and didn’t overdo things.

Screenshot-881Christopher was one promotion off the top of his career when he became an elder.  He’d been dreading this transition – the sagginess, the dreadful hair and clothes… but he took to it quite well.

It was also Joseph’s birthday, his time to become a young adult and start to consider how he would continue the legacy.

Screenshot-892He turned out to be surprisingly attractive – which would be a bonus in attracting the ladies – yet hot-headed, to add to his cowardice and insanity.  As he aged up, though, he heard a startling sound…

Screenshot-893A familiar Kyoti party guest had made his regular appearance.  This time, his guest had anticipated what was coming, and didn’t put up a fight.

Screenshot-890At the age of 110, having helped raise seven children (two of her own, three of Kali’s, two of Amanda’s), having achieved her lifetime wish, written several novels, painted many great art works and after having a long and joyful marriage, Lola Kyoti and the Grim Reaper met at a birthday party for the sixth and final time.

3.3 Two Little Boys

Screenshot-452One quiet afternoon in the Kyoti household, Amanda went to use the toilet… and her waters broke.  Carmel was shocked – she hadn’t even realised her sister was pregnant.

Elias went over to Dominic’s house to tell him the baby was on the way, but he wasn’t there.  Elias did, however, spot a baby just lying on the floor, all alone.

Screenshot-439Screenshot-440He asked Dominic’s sister about the child.  She was rather blase about it.  She said it was another of Dominic’s children.  He had three now.  They just kept turning up on the doorstep.

Elias feared for Amanda.  Was this the kind of man she really wanted in her life?  Would Dominic even give her any maintenance money for the child, much less pay it any attention?  He looked at the little baby girl on the floor and his heart bled.  What kind of a man would bring children into the world and then abandon them.  Mind you, what kind of man would cheat on his partner with his partner’s cousin?

Elias vowed that he and Lola would help Amanda with the new baby as much as they could as it was clear Dominic would be an unreliable father at best.

Screenshot-473Baby Lucas was born good and a genius, like his mother.  Amanda stared at this little boy she’d brought into the world and took stock of her life.  What was she thinking, taking so many risks with her and her family’s happiness by screwing around with Dominic?  OK, so he was handsome, and charming, and oh, so irresistible… but he was still a cad and a coward.  She decided that she couldn’t keep messing around with him.  He could see his son and come over for parties, but other than that, she would cut all ties with him.  She’d spend her time now with her family, with her sons and working on her career.  Men were definitely off the agenda.

Screenshot-434She started to help Joseph with his homework.  Even when she was hungry, she made sure her little boy was coping with the work before she put the stove on.  She started fishing and gardening like mad, and fixing things around the home, in order to build her skills up for work.  Her dad and grandad had been avid gardeners and fishers and she liked to think she was carrying on something of them.  Her mother, for all her faults, had been great at DIY and Amanda found it was actually quite nice to have something of Stacey in her life as well.

Screenshot-465She encouraged Joseph to go out and spend time with friends and family.  He was a little worried about this, but found he actually got on very well with them.  Sherita invited him on a picnic and introduced him to the magic of hot dogs.  Joseph was very excited at this, as at home, his mum kept feeding him boring old healthy autumn salad.

Screenshot-480Lola achieved her lifetime wish to become a Star News Anchor and decided to retire so she could spend time writing novels, painting masterpieces and enjoying the children growing up.  She didn’t have any grandchildren of her own: Liam was busy with his career and Christopher was too absorbed in his music, so Amanda’s boys were like granchildren to her and Elias.  As their own grandparents were dead, the relationship with Lola and Elias was just as important to Joseph and Lucas.  Lucas was another little bald toddler, but no less attractive for it.

Screenshot-581One day, Amanda sat Joseph down and said they needed to have a serious talk.  She explained about the family legacy, about how her grandmother had passed the role of heir to her father, and how Joseph would one day inherit the title from her.  Joseph nodded, taking it all in.  He had a big responsibility.

However, Amanda didn’t expect him to be quite so forward in looking for a mate, and quickly had to tell him that asking girls (in this case Cody) to share your bed was not appropriate until you were at least a young adult.

Screenshot-590With confidence that his life was important, that he was special (he was going to be an heir!), Joseph leapt into teenhood… and rolled ‘coward’.

Screenshot-611He decided to celebrate his teenhood by taking to hairdye and make-up.  His ‘grandad’ Elias encouraged him to work on his athletic skill so that he would be able to fight off any of the bullies, burglars or other terrifying people he might meet.

Screenshot-628Unfortunately, Joseph hadn’t quite got the hang of appropriate exercise-wear…

Screenshot-649He was a proud big brother though, and promised to teach little Lucas everything he could.  Of course that didn’t amount to anything very useful, but the sentiment was there.

Screenshot-659Lucas was in awe of his big brother and when he grew up, he was very excited to discover that he looked just like Joseph had.  Their personalities were very different, but they had a real affection for one another.

Screenshot-661Dominic turned up to his son’s birthday.  He and Rhiannon couldn’t resist flirting in order to wind Amanda up.  Neither would admit it, but they were both jealous of her life.

Screenshot-669Amanda just rose above it all, though.  Now she was a mature adult, she’d put away the concerns of her younger days.  It had all been about her, about proving she was better than Rhiannon, proving she could be the heir, that she could make men fall for her.  Now that wasn’t her concern.  She spent time helping her sons with their homework and playing chess with them, as well as continuing to build her skills and work hard.  It had taken her time to realise what was important, but she hoped she would be an heir who proved her worth as much as her father had done,  and that she would pass the legacy on well to Joseph (or to Lucas, should any unfortunate fate befall her eldest).

3.2 Please please let me get what I want

Screenshot-339Rhiannon Kyoti knew she should be there for her twin sister Amanda.  After all, Amanda had a little boy and on her son’s birthday, his father suddenly died.  Being a new mum, and a bereaved one at that, was hard.  Juggling that with trying to forge a career as a creature-robot-cross-breeder was even harder.  But Rhiannon just couldn’t do it.  She couldn’t be second-best.  She had desperately wanted to be the family heir, but that role had gone to her sister.  She didn’t want to be like her Aunt Lola, chained to the family home, raising children that weren’t even hers.  Rhiannon knew it was time to strike out on her own, to make a life away from the family home.  If she stayed and watched Amanda living out her role as the heir, she knew she’d only grow bitter.

Screenshot-340Amanda was troubled by the responsibilities of heirdom.  She’d wanted this role.  She’d made sure she was the first of the twins to have a baby in order to secure this role.  But it was harder than she realised.  She’d given birth to a child who was insane, she’d lost her partner, she was struggling to advance at work, and she had the business of trying to produce a spare to attend to.  With an insane child, you could never be too careful.

Screenshot-352Even though Rhiannon had moved on, there were still plenty of relatives on hand to help Amanda raise little Joseph.  Her cousin Liam, generally shy and uncommunicative (well, he was a teenager), loved the little boy and got involved in his upbringing.  Of course, it wasn’t all childrearing.  The family had lots to attend to with developing their careers.

Screenshot-404Amanda’s little sister Carmel was well on her way to becoming a Master of the Arts.  She spent all her time painting, writing novels and playing her guitar in the park.

Screenshot-364Well, when she wasn’t talking to herself… or shouting at herself, as was her usual wont.

Lola and Christopher were making good progress in their journalism and music careers, and both started a nice little sideline in writing novels.  Elias, Lola’s husband, wasn’t so excited about his police career, however.  The work was tiring, promotions were hard to come by, and he didn’t enjoy it that much.  He kept getting job offers from the athletic stadium asking him to come and play for their team and help lift them from the losing streak they’d been in since Lianndra retired.

Elias was so tempted.  He loved sports and he knew he was qualified for the job.  However, if he changed his lifetime wish to become a Superstar Athlete, he would be repeating the feat of his late mother-in-law, rather than forging a path of his own and giving the Kyoti family a new achievement to be proud of.

Screenshot-702He had a long heart-to-heart with Lola.  She assured him that the happiness of fulfilling his desires would add more to the legacy than him stressing out trying to reach the top of a career he just wasn’t cut out for.  He had given so much to the family already by his willingness to help raise all the children that he didn’t need to burn himself out in a job he hated.  She knew athletics was something he loved and she was happy that he had been offered promotions.  Besides, it would be a lovely tribute to her mother if he led her team to victory once more.

Screenshot-368Amanda invited her old flame, Dominic, over more and more.  The family did not approve of this.  Dominic’s partner, Solomon, was Amanda and Carmel’s cousin, after all.  It was bad enough she was seeing a man who was taken, let alone one who was practically family.  Amanda didn’t care, though.  There was something so magnetic about Dominic that she couldn’t resist.  And after all, she wasn’t planning to marry him… just have his babies.

Screenshot-379It wasn’t long before Liam grew up, and with his parents’ blessing, he too left the family home to forge a new life for himself.

Screenshot-389Dominic stayed over more and more, and often hung around the house afterwards.  Carmel and Lola were very unimpressed and often had harsh words with both him and Amanda, warning them not to break Solomon’s heart.  Amanda didn’t let their criticisms get to her.  If Dominic and Solomon were that serious, Dominic wouldn’t be spending every night with her (or flirting with the maids).

Screenshot-418Joseph grew up with little fuss.  His family was rather crazy and once they’d made sure he could walk, talk and use the potty, they’d kind of left him to his own devices.  He was incredibly lonely since Liam moved out and really hoped he’d get a brother or sister or cousin to share his life with.  He didn’t want to be the only kid in the family.

Screenshot-447He took to visiting the cemetery on a regular basis.  Amanda was worried about this but Joseph told her he was just looking for the best bugs, seeds and rocks, and the graveyard was a great place to find them.

What he didn’t tell her was that he’d also go and visit Garrick’s grave and cry on a regular basis.  Was it his fault his daddy died?

3.1 Be my baby


The morning after Kali’s death, both Rhiannon and Amanda got up and went to the bathroom.  The twins were each hoping that the previous night’s woohoo had led to a pregnancy, thus ensuring that they would be the third generation heir.


Rhiannon wasn’t feeling too sick, though.  She was more concerned with fixing the broken toilet on the second floor.


Downstairs, however, Amanda was in an altogether different predicament from her sister…

Screenshot-310Amanda couldn’t wait to tell Garrick the news that he was looking at the third generation heir to the Kyoti legacy, and the fourth generation heir was on the way.  Oh, and he was about to become a daddy.

Screenshot-313The time soon came for Amanda to give birth, and for a moment she wished Rhiannon had been the one to get pregnant instead.  Why didn’t anyone warn her that labour hurt this much?!

Screenshot-315Baby Joseph, who would become the fourth generation heir if all went to plan, was born athletic like his grandma… and insane.  Uh-oh.

Screenshot-316Speaking of insane sims, Amanda’s little sister Carmel was keeping herself busy by burning down the barbecue.

Screenshot-322Talking of acting strangely, the family elders, Aunt Lola and Uncle Elias were also behaving in an odd manner.  Their elderhood had caused both of them to spend their free time rummaging in people’s bins in order to further their careers in journalism and law enforcement.

Screenshot-437Screenshot-324Becoming the heir naturally meant the job of tending the garden fell to Amanda, although she wasn’t yet as dedicated to it as her father and grandparents.

She preferred to go to the pool with Rhiannon and check out the dungarees-and-grey-sweater clad talent.


On one of their jaunts to the pool, they witnessed something unexpected…

Screenshot-327…one of the other people at the pool suddenly died… and there wasn’t even a birthday cake in sight!

Screenshot-329Amanda’s cousin Christopher was making a real name for himself as a star musician in Sunset Valley, but he knew that there was an untapped, and ever-growing, market to play to.  He began to become a regular on the cemetary circuit.

Of course, where there are deaths, there are birthdays, and it was soon Joseph’s.

Screenshot-331His aunt Lola took him to the cake, trembling as she wondered whether she would be the one to die on this birthday.


Joseph’s father Garrick was there, and had suddenly aged up.  Amanda’s stomach turned.  She’d been hoping tonight would be the night she could persuade him to provide her with a ‘spare’ (after all, Joseph was insane, so you could never be too careful).  But his haggard appearance and sad insistence on keeping his youthful hairstyle really put her off.  For one thing, he looked way too much like her late dad at the moment.

Screenshot-334Joseph grew up to be a cutie with dark hair, like both of his parents.  The party carried on throughout the afternoon with no major incidents, and everyone left early enough that the family could get to spend some quality time with little Joseph before bed time.

Did you read that right?  Could there possibly  have been a Kyoti birthday without a death?

Is that even possible?

Of course not.


Moments after leaving the house, Garrick passed away.

Amanda was distraught.  Not only had she lost her boyfriend, not only had Joseph lost his father, but Garrick was barely into elderhood when he died.  What damage had his genes done to the future of the Kyoti legacy?